Service Quality Regime

We are committed to providing a safe, reliable and welcoming service to our customers all day, every day.

On 1 April 2022 we launched our Service Quality Regime (SQR) which measures our performance against a set of quality standards at our stations, on our trains and from our people. We have partnered with an external supplier who conducts Service Quality inspections at all our stations and on 61 of our train carriages each 4-week period.

Additionally, they complete Customer Service Mystery Shopping audits at all our staffed stations, on board our trains and via online channels to ensure that we are providing consistent, accurate and timely information to our customers.

Please note that scores are subject to change pending validation. 

ComponentAreaBenchmark 2024/25P1 (01/04/24-27/04/24)P2 (28/04/24-25/05/24)P3 (26/05/24-22/06/24)P4 (23/06/24-20/07/24)P5 (21/07/24-17/08/24)
StationsAmbience and Assets80%86.33%77.20%76.88%80.35%83.99%
 Cleanliness and Graffiti73% - (P1-P7)
75% - (P8-P13)
 Ticketing and staffing86%82.80%86.31%94.70%90.16%96.53%
TrainsAmbience and Assets84%88.10%81.69%86.79%81.66%85.25%
 Cleanliness and Graffiti90%89.94%92.89%97.09%94.98%93.39%
Customer ServiceStaff Helpfulness93%93.57%95.65%91.39%95.65%95.65%
 Online Information95%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00%



ComponentAreaBenchmark 2023/24P1(01/04/23-29/04/23)P2 (30/04/23-27/05/23)P3 (28/05/23-24/06/23)P4 (25/06/23-22/07/23)P5 (23/07/23-19/08/23)
StationsAmbience and Assets76%72.19%73.13%67.28%68.42%70.36%
 Cleanliness and Graffiti61%77.01%71.59%65.79%56.56%58.09%
 Ticketing and staffing86%85.44%89.66%70.12%89.86%89.64%
TrainsAmbience and Assets83%88.70%85.37%83.69%79.65%83.35%
 Cleanliness and Graffiti88%96.96%95.75%85.49%91.38%87.43%
Customer ServiceStaff Helpfulness93%89.40%97.92%89.40%97.92%89.31%
 Online Information95%100%100%98.25%100%98.25%


P6 (20/08/23-16/09/23)P7 (17/09/23-14/10/23)P8 (15/10/23-11/11/23)P9 (12/11/23-09/12/23)P10 (10/12/23-06/01/24)P11 (07/01/24-03/02/24)P12 (04/02/24-02/03/24)P13 (03/03/24-30/03/24)
78.98%82.57% 82.91% 81.42% 73.73%77.58%78.72%76.35%


Audit results for 2022/23 periods 7-13

ComponentAreaBenchmark 2022/23Pass Rates P7-13 2022/23
StationsAmbience and Assets73%74.26%
 Cleanliness and Graffiti61%58.50%
 Ticketing and staffing88%85.08%
TrainsAmbience and Assets80%82.55%
 Cleanliness and Graffiti85%92.99%
Customer ServiceStaff Helpfulness93%94.77%
 Online Information93%99.75%

Once station and train transformations have been completed, pictures will be posted on this page.